Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Law Enforcement at the Butn (Just Say No!)

Ah, the police. If you do get pulled over by the police, your entire goal is to keep them from searching your car. A "search" means they take all your crap and throw it on the ground. Socks. Carrots. Chapstick. It's all going on the ground, piece by piece.

 Likely, they'll be nice at first. They'll say something like "mind if we take a look around?"  The answer is "I do not consent to a search." If they threaten you or persist after you say no, ask "am I free to leave?" Ask until they answer. If they don't let you leave, record how long you have to wait until they do. It's irritating, but some police do cross the line. 

Once you're at the Butn, you'll want to assume everyone who is not from your camp is an undercover cop. If someone offers you drugs (even a puff of their vape pen), decline and leave. If someone asks you for drugs, reply that you don't have any and leave. 

Only undercover cops talk about drugs at the Butn. I've met three undercovers at BM, and a friend was actually making out with one in his tent before he realized it. 

If a new "friend" is in camp and offers/asks for drugs, make them leave. If you say yes and it is an undercover cop, they can and will toss the whole camp looking for drugs. If you're smoking weed, expect some cops to show up and start throwing things on the ground. Don't plan on smoking weed at the Butn. It's the fastest way to make everyone hostile.  

The local counties make a lot of money fining Burners for drug possession, and getting busted (or getting campmates busted) can ruin your day/week or worse. So it's best to have a bright line rule. 

Just say no, y'all! 

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